little Addi
they thought I was weird for asking them to do this.. who ME, weird? Please! :)
So, they say people start looking like their dogs after awhile......... What? I'm just sayin'...

the girls school has this whole "under the sea" section of their campus and I told Aspen to stand by the painted wall so I could take her picture. These are the poses that she came up with, all on her own. My girl is so on it, isn't she? :)
the big 'ole whale that I *just* noticed for the first time today. We've been at this school for 5 years people. 5 years! I'm SO slow sometimes, I swear.. lol

Aspen had me take this picture because "Awh, Chewie looks SO CUTE!" :) (her words!).. that kid and this little dog..
After tutoring today I stopped by walmart with the girls [always a big mistake] because I had bought a new toliet seat cover (exciting stuff, huh? :)) and it was the wrong size and I needed to return it. For the record, they didn't have any other sizes so I left empty handed. However, I told the girls that they could each get someting for $10. Naturally, they wanted to head towards the Bratz and Barbie section- the kids are manaics with the barbies these days. They ended up coning me into buying each of them a new Bratz and I'm still baffled that I did it. It's not like they need another stupid brat doll. They have a million. But I'm a sucker, what can I say? They REALLY get into Bratz and Barbies (although they either play "Barbies" (with no mixing in the Bratz dolls) or just "Bratz" (and again, no mixing in the barbies)... I've yet to understand what the big deal is. I mean sure, the barbies are tall and skinny and the bratz are short with big heads.... does it really matter? :) Apparently so. But, they were having a big "Bratz Party" (big dance gig, I guess....) so having these new Bratz MADE their day! They kept hugging me and kissing me, thanking me... you would think I had just bought them a new car. Awh, to be a kid. :) So, they have been over at Holly's, playing with their new Bratz (Holly just got a new one yesterday, too... so they are all happy little campers!). Their cousin Sky is over playing for the day. He and Courtney are riding bikes with the neighbor boys so.. my house is ever so quite and that's always a good thing to hear every once in awhile. :)
But, now it's 5pm and I need to get my girlies back home. The quite is nice, but for some strange, very odd reason- I enjoy my children playing here at home with Holly HERE, verses them over at her house. I just feel better when they are here.... I'm not this overly anal, protective Mom or anything...(well, kinda, I guess....) I just prefer them to play here. The quite is nice every once in awhile though :) ... Hey, I'm human too, people!
So.. I'm out! Have a wonderful day! I'm off to gather my children home and to attack their bedrooom to hang all these "hangy" things. :)
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