*yawn*.. excuse me there, just a little bit on the sleepy side. :) We got home from the houseboat trip around 4pm today and had a good time. *I* say good time, *the girls* will say great time. They were swimming fools, that I will say. I was ready to come home [dare I say... I always miss my reality when I'm away?--->I know, I know...."there's no place like home!, There's no place like home!". Besides, I now have curtains to look at, after 3 years of wanting them, you would be excited to get home, too. :)
I took a ton of pictures so I will upload those suckers tommorow. Great time- boating, swimming, fishing, bon fire [smores!], hot tub action [no action IN the hot tub in case you were wondering oh stop it, you know that's what you thought when you saw those three words together "hot tub action", shoot.. I would be thinking the same thing. :)]. The girls had a blast. I will share more details tommorow... must. crawl. in. bed.
Chelcey's boyfriend is here. [yes, they now refer to one another as each other's "main squeeze" now, well, not really, but they DO call each other "boyfriend/girlfriend" now after blissfully hanging out for 2 months. Awwwh, to be young. ANYWAYS.. he's here. Chelcey has been gone for a month between the beach and the houseboat, and Alan has been off to TX with his fam and just got home today as well. SO, you know what that means.... (yeah, yeah, yeah... they just coudln't wait another stinkin' day to see one another).. so, need to give her the nudge of "time to send the main squeeze packin'- your mama needs some SLEEP child!" :) Addi gets really hyper & giggly when she's tired. Savannah gets defiant to the CORE, Courtney gets spacey & goofy, Aspen gets grouchy.. and me? Yea, I get a little out there... what's it to ya?
Anyways.. I'm off to bed. Oh, new Pottery Barn Teen catalog came today... oooh-la-la, COME to mama!!!! LOVE the new stuff in there & have been inspired with some great ideas for Chelcey/Court's room and also the loft. I'm wantin to make it into a "teen hang out zone"... between Pottery Barn Teen & Ikea, I think I'm set! Pottery Barn for the IDEAS and Ikea for the STUFF. What? Do I LOOK like I'm crazy enough to spend that much on stuff just because it has the "Pottery Barn" label on it? Please! There for a minute, you had me scared thinking you actually thought I would be that girl who would spend triple on "stuff" because it looks ever so delicious in a catalog. The catalogs are for IDEAS people, IDEAS. I think you should know me by now and KNOW just how "thrifty" this chick is. Ideas are good.... spending lots of money on stuff you can find a HECK-A-VA lot cheaper elsewhere, is not. There.. your friendly lesson for the day.. or, night.. whenever the heck you are reading this. Ok, that's it...
I'm out.
Seeeeeee ya!
Pictures coming tommorow. If you say ONE word or snicker ONE bit after you see my "house boat" attire, I will "cuuuuuuut you" [as I say in my best Bon Que-Que voice]. :)
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