Life has been on the go! Last week was just pure craziness.. running here, running there. It was my birthday on Thursday and the fam did *such* a good job in making my day special. The little girls made me SOOO many cute cards and "books", it was just too sweet. :) They were so proud of them. D took them to Dollar Tree (I insisted on NO gifts, so this was a comprimise.. lol) so the 3 little ones could each pick out a gift :) Addi bought me a new Pick for my hair (love her! :)), Aspen bought me a balloon and a pink "sleeping mask" which covers up your eyes when you sleep :) Here's a shot, just IGNORE everything BUT the pink mask :) I snapped this just a few minutes ago PRIOR to my shower and getting ready for the day (lol)

Here's a shot of me and Court taken the night of my birthday.. HATE my hair here. Everytime they style it, they always make it stick straight. Those of you who KNOW me know how much I LOVE big hair. :) And well, I just look WEIRD with flat hair.

Life has been awesome! No complaints here what-so-ever. D has been SO thoughtful latly, cleaning up the kitchen and "drive by" mess that is created while getting off to school in the mornings :) so when I return home from driving the girls to school, the house is already picked up. It's been AWESOME.. words can't even describe. He's just been really caring/thoughtful lately and it's really brought us a lot closer.
Tonight is Addi & Aspen's first school skating party, so they are really excited. Sissy is going, too so she can hang out with all her friends :) So.. that's tonight at 6pm.

Courtney tried out for the Worship Team at school for their chappel every THursday.. she finds out in a few days if she made it. She has SUCH a beautiful voice. She has a LOUD voice and such a great pitch.. she can hit some major notes and can do a KILLER Carrie Underwood impression... she's awesome, and I'm so proud of her. :)

Chelc is doing great.. she still enjoys work, LOVES her new school and has made a ton of new friends which is awesome. They had a retreat on Friday and she got really close to a lot of new friends, so that was great. She got her progress report and she's doing AWESOME.. she just makes me smile. :)
Aspen has been a turd lately (lol)... very moody, very anal.. yeah. Welcome to the wonderful world of being almost 9. She's been fun. :) Still love the litlte punk, but mornings, afternoons, and before bedtime has been the most challenging. Yeah, that gives you a taste of how often her "moods" are happening now.

Addi is Addi.. simple, simple, simple. :) Love that girl! Still a little drama here and there, but overall... life is good in Addi's world. :) First one up, first one dressed, first one at the breakfast table, first one out the door.. first one to bed a night. Yeah, this one defines the word 'EASY!".. :)

Savannah has her moments.. she started degressing after she started her new school-- comes home overstimulated and takes it out on her sisters (and me.. ugh!).. but weekend are good with her. I think she just gets SO over-worked and SO tierd from school that she doesn't know how to channel it, ya know? I asked her this morning how things were going.. she said good, but there were some things that she didn't like about her new school. I asked her what?. She said, "Like the bathroom, you have to climb stairs to get to the bathroom. But I really like the lockers".. :)
Parent/Teacher conferences are this week. Aspen/Addi/Courtney are out of school on Weds. for theirs, then Savannah is out of school on Friday for hers. I had already signed up to volenteer for Addi's first field trip on Friday (Balloon Festival), so I think D is going to head to Sissy's conference and I'll just take her with me to the field trip. Hope she does good... you not suppose to bring siblings, but I think that is more for the "not-in-school-yet-siblings".... hopefully they don't say anything. We'll see....
Addi was "Top Dog" this past week in school :) It's like "star of the week", but I like her teachers version much better. Her teacher is great.. she baked Brownies for Addi and Addi had the BIGGEST smile on her face when she brought them home. Def. earned her teacher "brownie points". Plus, they came home on my birthday :) double bonus! We got her teacher a Hershey's Bar and Pepsi (her 2 faves) as a "thank you" for the brownies and Addi gave it to her on Friday.. she was THRILLED :) We really like her teacher and did the right thing by asking to have her moved into her room. She's move structured, but ya know.. she kinda comes across wrong to people. Like for example, I always thought she was REALLY tough on the kids.. but she has been SOOOO wonderful, and Addi LOVES her. She's always doing nice things for the kids, I just can't say enough things about her.. and best of all, Addi seems to be doing GREAT in her class. :) So.. life is good.
Lots more to update, but need to hop in the the bathroom and throw myself together. D wants me to come over to the office today to help... have SOOO much to do around the house it's not even funny. BUSY weekend- we had a guest speaker at church last night and they were AWESOME! VERY high engery and prayer was super intense! It was awesome!!!!.. But, we were gone ALL day yesterday between church that a.m, Sams run.. went to look at a few houses, then back to church that p.m. We didn't get home until almost 9pm... I have SO much laundry to fold it's unreal. BUT.. he needs help because they are burried over there. SOOOO many new hotel gigs it's unreal! God has been SO GOOD. SO, need to get off of here and get things moving. Hope all is well and I'll pop in later to share some pictures :)
1 comment:
Love, Love your hair straight!!!!
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