Today was a full, but fun day. I was scheduled to help with Savannah's class field trip to the Derby Museum at Churchill Downs & that meant I had to be at school by 8:30am. Considering I didn't finally stop hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock this a.m until 7:15am, sister was looking mighty fine today. But honestly, I didn't even care. I was totally exhausted this morning, my muscles hurt like crazy (crazy workout yesterday morning kicked my butt), so I just threw on some make-up, stuck my very flat hair up in a low ponytail & called it a day. Hey, sometimes you just gotta roll with it, and that's what I did.
The field trip was a lot of fun... I really enjoyed it, lots of laughs. I was disappointed though because I thought I was going to have to drive & just follow the bus there and I had my camera sitting in my passenger seat. Well, I was parked behind the bus when one of the teachers came up & told me there was plenty of room on the bus, that I could ride with them. I hurried & parked, and then completely forgot my camera in the car. There were SUCH awesome shots that I missed, too. We got to see the horses practice, running around the track. The museum was awesome... and just really fun shots of Sis with her friends, but... what can ya do?.
We got back to school around 11:45pm, and Savannah's talent show started at 1pm. So, that meant Sister needed to rush like a crazy-loon back home to let Sammy out, check on Ben, then dash back to the school in time for the talent show. The talent show was adorable, as always. I always enjoy her school talent show because these kids just put themselves out there & are just so fearless. I love her school because the kids accept one another for who they are... there was a girl who was singing way off key & the way her peers congratulated her & praised her just melted my heart. Savannah has participated in the talent show since her first year going there, and this year was no different. She teamed up with some friends and did a skit/song to "Goo Goo-Gaa-Gaa"... they eached dressed up as a character in the song, then sang their own part. Savannah was a witch-- something I usually wouldn't embrace-- however, Elizabeth picked that part out for her, so... I just went with it. They did a great job & got lots of laughs from the crowd. A little girl behind me told her friend, "That was the funniest one, that was so good!" :) It made me smile.
We were able to leave right after the talent show, so Sis & I had about 45min. to kill before we had to start picking up the others. We decided to hit up TJ Maxx to see if they had any cute Easter dresses. No luck in the dress department, but you know us... we could never leave empty handed in that place! Savannah spotted my famous dressform canvas, but one on a much smaller scale & I swear I squealed. They had 2 to choose from, a mini-version of my big canvas that I already have, and then this little beauty:
This is Mama... this is baby:
and honestly, when I carried it downstairs to my craft room, its new room, Courtney was with me and I started singing, "You are beautiful to me... can't you see-eee-eeeEEE... you're everything, that I hoped for.. you're everything to me!" I swear my children think I'm the strangest bird ever, but... they love me nonetheless. I'm so excited to get this room set up now that it's Spring Break.
I also scored this vintage-y mirror that made my heart skip a beat:
It's perfect for Chelcey's bathroom... it's not as good as a find as my $7 mirror that I scored at Goodwill last week, but the price was too good to pass up. TJ Maxx prices rock, but this bad boy was on clearance, which made it even better. You know me... pretty things + amazing price = come to mama. I'm excited to get it hung. She loves it.
I have to laugh at Savannah, because the girl has it in her mind that she wants to do her room as a beach theme. Needless to say, a beach-theme with bright pink & lime green walls don't really mesh well together. And, well... mama ain't too fond of the "theme" if we're being honest. But, the girl is a collector of things.. and now, she is "collecting" things for her room until she can create her "beach theme". I bought her this star-fish hanging thing, of which she cut the strings and now has an array of starfish. I also let her buy a container of shells. Hey, I do what I can... :) Well, after we got home from school she couldn't wait to start playing. So, upstairs she went. Before Courtney went on her walk, she walked in the bathroom & Savannah had filled up the sink with water and there were all her starfish, just hangin' out in the sink. Courtney asked her what she was doing and then all I heard was Courtney laughing. Savannah came running down the stairs with a huge smile on her face & asked, "Mom, my starfish will come alive if I soak them in water, won't they?" :) Apparently, the kid has been watching way too many episodes of "H20". I told her no, she cracked up and ran off-- still playing with them in the water nonetheless. Ya gotta love that girl & her imagination. When I was outside running around with Sammy, she came outside & said she needed a few rocks, then headed off to the creek. I have yet to see the bathroom in the last hour, but.. here are the hopeful "come alive" starfish in action:
I will be sharing a post soon on body image... esp. after having to have a really deep, heart-to-heart with my girl Aspen today on our way to pick up Courtney from school. Someone hurt her feelings... and it crushed her.
We talked about not allowing what others may say to have an impact on the way that we see ourselves. How just because someone may say something about us, doesn't make it true. We talked about the lies that the world tells us as woman & as girls, we talked about TRUTH and what's really important. I have lots to share on this subject because for starters, I'm female, and like the majority of us all, I've struggled with this myself. I am raising 5 daughters, so this is a topic in my house that we talk about often. It's so important for me to invest in my girls hearts, and to always reassure them how beautiful each of them are-- because of who they are on the inside, and who they are in Christ. I hate to see Aspen so critical of herself, it breaks my heart. She is so athletic it blows me away, her speed... her talent in any sport that she has tackled. Puberty at the age of 11 grabbed ahold of her a lot sooner than it did me as a little girl. She has curves and this has been hard for her. But, I will save a deep, long post about this subject very soon. I asked her & the girls if they wanted to take an online "Mother & Daughter" Art Class with me via Brave Girls over Spring Break, & they are excited. Me, too. I want my girls to hear the voice of TRUTH in their hearts & minds, not the lies that are spoken to them that steal their joy. So, stay tuned... deep post coming soon.
When we got home from school, Benny had taken it upon himself to clean up my kitchen--- something that was avoided last night because sister was too tired. I usually clean house once I get home from taking everyone to school each morning, but since I had Savannah's field trip, the dishes were left. Well, we walked in the door and my kitchen was spotless. He said he actually enjoyed doing it because it gave him something to do. Made my day! :)
Okay, D said no cooking tonight because it's kick-off to Spring Break. Man, how I love that man! So, I'm off to listen for the pizza guy, Wicks.. the fams favorite :), then I'm off to grab a blanket, plop it down in my favorite over-stuffed chair, and dive into this:
I pre-ordered Bloom a few months ago, and it arrived in the mail today. Ah, I've been so excited for this book. Maybe with some down-time and (a lot) less driving all over the place since it's spring break, I can make time to finish it. excited for this one!
Well, my husband just came downstairs to my craft room, and told me that Savannah showed him all her starfish that she got today. He proceeded to say, "Oh, are those real starfish, Sis?" She replied with a "yes". He then had to do it.. "You know Sis, if you put them in water they come alive" "Nu-ugh, Mom said that they wouldn't" He piped up, "Yes they will, but you have to make sure it's HOT water. It's the hot water that makes them come alive!".
Do you even need to ask me if she went running back upstairs to test his theory? Yeah, didn't think so....
Peace out!
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