Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Catch up post...

Ok, finally uploaded and resized some pictures from last week, so thought I'd pop back on and share. :)

D and I were suppose to go to Colorado on Friday morning, BIG saga... I got the house ready for Susan (D's sister), had all the girls clothes laid out, and was ready to go! Our flight was scheduled to take off at 7am and D and I were both on about 2hrs. of sleep the night before. We arrived to the airport at 6:20am.. pushing it.. but thought we were fine. The lady at Frontier wouldn't even give us our boarding passes because "their" policy is you mnust check in 45min. prior to take off. (Next time, we will print out the darn boarding pass online- grrrr)...The can't let anyone past secuirty if you're not there 45min. before. I was LIVID. It was *way* too early in the morning for me to have to pull a bon que-que on her (lol- "gurl, I will cuuuuut, you!") LOL.. anyways, she wasn't budging. Come to find out, she was the manager (her attitude was UNREAL! Talk about HORRIBLE customer service, the lady was out of control!)... but, this is why we ususally fly Southwest- other airlines can't even come close to comparing. Anyways... we went to EVERY airline at the airport, checking on flight times/rates and the cheapest was $1100 and he still would have been 2hrs. late for his meeting. So.. we bagged it. ALL that work to get the girls settled/house ready/clothes laid out, let alone pack and rush to the airport at 6am was for nothing. He's talking about going next week, but who knows... it wasn't good. I was SO tierd for the rest of the day. The only good that came out of it was that D and I had breakfast at "Mimi's Cafe" (we were both STARVING!) so that was nice...

When I picked the girls up from school they were SO surprised to see me since they were expecting to see Susan :) Aspen has had HORRIBLE alergies this past week, and was finally having a good day with them. I had called the school on Weds. and asked them to keep her in from recess and from gym- seemed to be working. Well, it was a BEAUTIFUL Friday afternoon and the girls really wanted to go to the park so, of course we had to go. By the time we left :( little Aspen's eyes were swollen, red, and runny... she was SOOOOO miserble the rest of the night. :( Poor baby.... I took lots of pictures.. you can tell her little eyes are all puffy :(

Here's her little face... poor baby, she looks so miserble here but looked even WORSE when we left...



Thought the clouds looked really cool here- it was actually really sunny, but the picture looks super dark and cloudy :)







Wipe out..



Aspen's favorite thing.. :)

Me and Addi :)

Me swinging- lookin' like a dork.. lol



us trying to find a 4 leaf clover with no luck :)


We played hard, that- coupled with Aspens Alergies and the "wild airport rejection" that morning, we were all just POOPED that night. Around 7pm, before dinner, mind you- this was the scene at our house....

Sis and Aspen were ZONKED... check them out :)

and Dad...

Of course, Courtney was in Chelcey's room since she was spending the night with a friend (this is where you will ALWAYS find Court when Chelcey is out of the house..lol.. the sneaky little thing), and Addi and i were still awake.. this is where Addi was- chomping on a piece of cinnimon toast (check out the crumbs she was leaving on my floor), watching some Disney movie :)...

Finally, we ate dinner around 9pm that night and just ordered in from Ruby Tuesdays- lol.. hey, I was WAY too tierd to cook, so cut me some slack (lol)...

We had a pretty quite weekend- just lounged around all day on Saturday, recovering from the lack of sleep from the previous night. Sunday was church (absoutely AMAZING worship!!!!!!), and that afternoon Susan wanted the girls to bake cookies and watch a Princess movie, so D and I went to the store. Exciting times! lol... Sunday afternoon D was playing with the modeling clay with Aspen and made quite the little project :) He was quite proud of it...





Here's Aspen and D on our way out the door to Aunt Sue-Sue's...

And, a group shot of the little ones with D

Here are a few shots from Monday... I got the girls Hannah Montana Tee's on Weds. night when we were out shopping for Courtney's Manners dress (more on that in a second), so they had to show them off. :) Aspen had a pop cycle in her mouth (lol)..

Then, they were jumping around and I had to get some action shots (lol)... cute!





Here's a few pictures of Courtney looking like a girl (just kidding of course... lol) but anyone who knows my daughter knows that this is not how she ususally looks. HOWEVER, she is turning into QUITE the girl lately... dangly earrings, she WANTS to wear dresses, and well.... she's just CHANGING!.. She had a "Manner's Luncheon" last week at a church (School field trip) where they learn manners, what silverware to use, etc.. etc... so, she needed a new dress. She picked this one out herself.... :)



and, Thursday evening (night before we were "suppose" to leave for CO) Courtney had her Spring band concert...





Oh, and I FINALLY (finally!!!) got my nails done. I had my nails done for about 3-4yrs. straight and my real nails looked HORRIBLE, so.. I gave them a break this winter. I haven't had fake nails since September, and finally had them done last week. AWWWWH... I FEEL NORMAL AGAIN!! :) I love how Spring starts bringing back some normalcy in my life. THANK GOODNESS...

Oh, and I'll close with this funny picture of my cat. This cat has really been getting on my nerves lately (won't leave me alone ALWAYS on top of me it seems), but as I've shared before, he sleeps in the WEIRDEST positions.. here he is on our stairs... sooo funny

Then, the camera woke his butt up and this is what he looked like (lol)...

Hope you enjoy!

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