Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up...

Okay, I know my entry titles are nothing short of lame, but hey.... work with me here, people. :)

We took the girls to see Wall-e at the movies on Friday.. we invited Susan (D's sister), his dad, and Sky- his nephew [son of his brother who I LOATHE with all my being, but wait.. you knew that already, didn't you?]. We also took Holly, the girls friend who basically LIVES at our house anyways :) We thought since it was the 4th that it woudln't be that busy, but man.. were we wrong! We got there and had to wait until the NEXT movie time (about an hour) because it was sold out. The movie was "okay".. I was expecting a lot more, as were the girls... but, it was okay. Not much talking at all :) But... they had fun, so that's all that matters.

It was funny because Addi's best friend from school, Katie, was there with her dad and we were *just* talking about them that morning, how we need to call her. Her dad had called us while we were in chicago, and I still hadn't called him back. He wanted to get the girls together for a playdate. Well- we ran into them which was kinda cool :) So.. Addi is over at Katie's now, swimming, and she was sooOOOoo excited about it, too! This is her first "going over to a friends playday" and she was the FIRST one up for church this morning because girlie knew as soon as church was over, it was time for Katie to come and get her :)

Yesterday, Aspen had a birthday party- one of her best friends, Jenna. So.. she and I went to buy her gift and we finally got around to go to The Children's Place for a few new clothes for them. FINALLY... I lucked out, too.. only having to take one with me :) And Sissy and Addi were *totally* fine with it, too.. as long as I brought them back new clothes! :) So.. it worked out! Anyways.. Aspen is going over to Jenna's this week for a playdate, so... she's pumped about that, too. It was nice seeing some people that I know yesterday at the party... Megan, Tracy, Karen, Marsha... it's funny how you miss the little things like SEEING PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW on a regular basis :) I mean otherwise.. it gets LONELY people! Anyways, after the party Aspen and I went to McDonalds [the girl had to have her nugget fix], then we went to Lowe's for D since he's been (trying) to finish off the tiled shower downstairs. He's ALMOST done (THANK GOODNESS!!!.. he's actually down there right now.. I know, shocker- right?.. Anyways, in Lowe's Aspen and I ran into Payton and HER dad (which is Savannah's best friend) and he said they've been trying to get ahold of us for the last week and I laughed because we were JUST talking about Payton the day before saying how we need to call her for a playdate.. and, sure enough :) So... we got their number and they are suppose to hook up this week, too.

I found this flower place the other day and want to head back over there and snatch up some more flowers. They have all their flowers like 60% off- so we got an entire slab of some red/pink/white ones [hey- I don't know a THING about flowers, so... just go along with me here] for like $6! Thought that was quite the steal! They are the kind that you don't even have to pick the dead parts off (again: don't ask, I just live in this mind of mine, okay?]... I see them around all over the place though, so.. they must be good flowers :) LOL.. I planted a few in one of our planters outside but I don't think I did it right. I *so* wish I knew about YARD WORK, but well... I don't. So, we'll see if I kill the things... highly likely, but.. we'll see. I AM happy to report however, that I have 5 plants- ALL of which I have taken VERY good care of :) I use to get a plant and the thing would kick over after a few weeks. Yes, it HELPS if you water the things.. I know, I know... I learned that :) LOL... But seriously, I wish I didn't have a green thumb because man, there is so much that I would LOVE to do in the yard.

Tommorow is Savannah's denist appointment [good luck on getting up on time, I know...]- and then at 1pm is my HAIR APPOINTMENT. Yes, I'm screaming that because really- you should SEE this head of mine right now. It NEEDS some serious attention, and besides... the grey hairs have GOT to get on outta there! Man...

Okay... D is needing some kind of help [hey, this is HIS project, not mine!]- so.. need to go see what he needs, then I think the girls and I will go to that flower place and get more flowers and some mulch. I want to finsih off the yard because right now- it is a SIGHT where I took the shovel to it. Awh, the shame. Yeah, I'll take pictures... would you expect otherwise? :) Later! Cute pictures of the girls coming later tonight, too... they had to put on one of their new outfits yesterday after we got home and naturally, I had to take a picture :) So... I'll share those later!

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