Monday, June 15, 2009

We did some more "Cermony shopping" yesterday. Needless to say trying to plan this thing in oh, 3.5wks- no less than 7 hours away from where you live, is pretty crazy. However, coming from TWO last minute people, what do you expect?

Saturday we bought the vases and mirrors for the centerpieces. Yesterday we picked up the toile (which I learned is pronounced "Tull" verses "tull-lay", so see, I learned something new :) We also got the girls shoes out of the way (always an ordeal to take 4 girls shoe shopping), and found some paper lanterns. We found some at a florist on Saturday (the 24" size that we wanted) but she was crazy, asking $49.95 for them. Umm, do we LOOK stupid? (wait, don't answer that!). We found them at World Market, but we are planning on ordering them online today (ebay, don't ya know) and hoping for the best. They are SO much cheaper online and if they get to my parents house by Friday, good. If not, not a big deal. Our colors are the same colors as the babies room, so we can always use them in there :)

The girls dresses (little ones) should be arriving today, PRAYING they fit. Still need to figure out the sashs on Courtney & Chelcey's dresses, but not too worried about it.

Been playing phone tag with the cake lady, so not sure what's going on there. Hopefully we can catch one another tonight.

We are leaving on Weds., as in 2 days away. The girls are SO excited- the won't stop talking about it. They went out and bought pool toys (floaties, goggles, etc) for when they get to kick back in the pool :) Addi keeps wanting to pack today, (smart girl!) so I think we'll get a head start on that today. We have dinner plans at 5pm in St. Louis on our drive in so we HAVE to get on the road ON SCHEDULE. We have NO trunk space in the Armada.. none. So, it's going to be VERY crowded with the 7 of us, all the wedding stuff, and suitcases. Carson, Chelcey's best friend who we have known since she was just 7, was planning on coming with us, but I just don't know how we're all going to fit! So.. still trying to work that out.

Today I'm getting my nails done and setting up a hair appointment. Fun. I do NOT want to get my hair colored before leaving town... they ALWAYS mess it up and I don't even have a hairdresser anymore since ERIN, the punk that put these STUPID LAYERS in my hair that I'm *still* growing out, screwed up my hair. So, don't even know who to go to. I DO need it done though before pictures.. grey hair is NOT something I want to be sporting. Man, it sucks to be getting old. :) LOL

What else? Oh, our CHAIR COVERS that we got from Chicago don't FIT. The only thing that I was excited about were the chair covers and sashs outside AND inside. The seating they provide outside for the cermony sight are white folding chairs. On the inside they are a weird sized chairs which totally sucks. We have white chair covers for both (inside and out). We were planning on doing PINK sashes on the outside and GREEN sashes on the inside. We had to pay for them too, which sucks if they don't work. We know for sure the outside chairs won't work (we have the same style of chair here and no go!), but to have no chair covers on the INSIDE would be NOT good. Their chairs are GREEN for crying out loud.. totally funky and NOT what you are looking for. BUT.. what can ya do? Just roll with it, ya know?

Ok.. need to bolt! LOTS to get done today.. I'm SOOOO over all the running around, more over it than you will ever know. I love the boy, but is all this REALLY neccessary?

See ya...

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