We have a cute little duck out there just swimming around, like it’s no bodies business. :) Our neighbors, that live off to the side of our house, also have the creek that runs by their home. The water is close to their house right now, which is so not good. It's def. a hot mess out there!
I was thankful this morning though. I got adventurous last week and decided to mosey into my hair dresser and get blond highlights. I've been thinking about going lighter for the summer, you know, to kind of mix things up a bit. It really depended on what side of the bed I woke up on that morning, to be honest with you. The grey hair attacked my head and either way, I had to go in and get it touched up. Dark hair is really hard to battle age, that I will say. I was still iffy when I went into the salon. There I sat, though... with 2 pictures of subtle blond highlights. A simple change. Not too drastic, but enough to make a difference. I should have known better. The bad thing was, I was really starting to like my hair color before...a lot. It was so healthy looking, I could easily just wear it down, not having to do a lot with it, and it laid the way that I wanted it to lay...without telling it. That was a BIG change for me. After all the crazy hair messes I've been through, my hair was finally healthy and easy and natural looking. I've been embracing easy a lot, lately... in so many areas of my life. And, then... she had to go and rock the boat. Why couldn't I have just woke up on the other side of the bed? The more logical side?. Shelby, my hairdresser, told me I'd be blond, but she was only going to process me with a level 20. In bleach terms, you usually bleach with a level 40. Keep in mind, the last time I had bleach on my hair was when that crazy girl tried to give me ombre highlights... like this:
Pretty, don’t you think? And yes, that was the picture that I showed her. And she assured me that she could do it. Apparently, she thought the way to achieve this look was to process your hair to a level 80. Remember, a level 40 bleach is the highest level you should do on your hair to lighten it. This girl told me after the fact that you have to open your hair cuticles up so it absorbs the color. The girl was way over her head, and long story short: she fried my hair. litterally. I went home and my hair was literally breaking off. It was horrible. I cried, I threw the brush in the bathroom after I got home, a lot of choice words were flying out of my mouth.
A few weeks later, because I had to allow time for my hair to be repaired, I went back in to that same salon and the manager, Shelby, my now hairdresser, well.. kinda my hairdresser now, turned my hair dark... super-super dark, until my hair became healthy again.
**This was my Mom, Addi, and I at this time last year. hello, darkness!**
I went in for weekly deep conditioning treatments, chemistry treatments- which are awesome in sealing your hair cuticles; my hair looked completely different/healthy after the fact, awesome invention. But, it makes your hair stick straight… no body, no life. While this looks awesome and very polished on some girls, I’m not one of them.. I need BIG hair, with body, with movement… a little bit on the messy side. It just fits me much better. Anyways, this was a year ago. It's taken me that long to get my hair where I like it. Healthy, and natural looking. And, then I go in, and have Shelby highlight it. What was I thinking? She was conservative, simply because of knowing what happened to my hair last year with the whole ombre disaster. So, she used level 20 bleach, assured me it wouldn't come out as caramel highlights, something that I asked specifically not to have, but blond highlights. Now remember, ... a level 20 can only lift your hair so much. So, guess what color the highlights came out? Yep, caramel. I asked for chunky highlights, not a stripy mess... and, guess what I got?Subtle stripes--- I mean really, did I even expect anything different? I always show hairdressers what I want, we talk about it in great lengths, I have a mini-anxiety attack--right there in the seat during the processing stage (always), and yet.. for some, strange reason..I always leave unhappy, and with what I ask not to have. I’m not picky, either. I just really think my hair has a mind of its own and likes to take control or something. It's not horrible right now, by any stretch of the measure. I still look like a normal human being, unlike times before. As long as I wear it in a low ponytail, something I've been sporting quite often anyways here lately, I'm good. D seems to really like it, but... so not the look I was going for.. You can't really see all the highlights in the picture below because of the lighting, here it looks just a tad bit lighter in this picture than normal, but trust me... those streaky copper highlights, with a touch of some golden/orangey steaks are in there, full force.
I'll prove it to you later, once I can try to get a better shot of the head to share. Anyways, I told myself I should just be done with that salon. I love Shelby, she's hilarious, but quite frankly... she always gives me the look that she wants, not the look that I ask for. Once, I went in and asked her not to go near as dark as she did before. I left there darker. Are you seeing the pattern here? It's not that she's trying to do it on purpose, she really is a cool chick. I like her a lot. She's a few months older than me, so we chat a lot about our age, getting older, our kids, and she makes me laugh….hard. (a lot). But, it's time to move on and find a hairdresser that keeps my hair goals in mind, and helps me achieve it, and one that I trust.
So, the hunt is on. (again). I have heard lots of great things about a salon called Le Bliss. I called on Friday, scheduled an appointment with "Erin", who apparently loves corrective coloring. However, it's not really corrective coloring, it's simply making the caramel highlights into blond highlights, adding more chunkiness and most importantly, not frying my hair in the process. But, once the receptionist chick said the name Erin, I have to tell you... flashbacks happened. Remember This post, about my previous hairdresser, Erin? Butterflies in the stomach because all I have to say is... if I walk into that salon and see that girl I'm going to chuckle and just walk right back out. History does not need to repeat itself. I set up an appointment for this morning, at 10am, to make the highlights more blond. I then decided over the weekend to tough it out for another week or so, to allow my hair time for the cuticles to seal completely with lots and lots of deep conditioning treatments so I don't risk frying my hair. I felt bad for canceling at 9am, when the salon opens, for a 10am appointment. But, always trust your instincts... I've learned this over the years. Well, at 8:15am, as I was driving in the midst of the crazy lightening storm, my phone rings. It was Le Bliss Salon. Calling to inform me that Erin is sick today, so we need to reschedule. Um, Fate? Maybe, so. So, I rescheduled for June 7th. We shall see how it all pans out.
A little Weekend Re-cap
Friday afternoon, Chelc, Court, & I spent the day together... a little shopping & then lunch, it was nice. Well, aside from the fact that I almost choked from a bite of my turkey sandwich at McAllister’s and I thought the two of them were going to pee their pants from laughing so hard. Ah, a choking Mom --->entertainment at its finest, no doubt. After Court and I picked up the little ones from school, we hit up Target.. our second trip in one day, mind you, and scored a slip 'n slide & a couple of new hoses. 1) for the girls to play with and 2) so sister could have one up on her deck for her new flowers & veggie garden. :) I will add that the slip 'n slide, in all its glory, managed to get a hole in it on day 1. By Day 2 of playing with it, the girls had busted out their decorative duck-taped and repaired not one hole, but two. Apparently it had ripped again. Funny, this happens every year when we get one. Note to self: Learn your lesson, homegirl!
Saturday afternoon, after I picked Courtney up from her friend’s house, she and I decided to grab a salad at Red Robin. There was a family that came in, someone's birthday nonetheless, and there were about 15 of them in the group. 3 of the little kids had "Red Robin" balloons, and all of a sudden you hear a big "BANG!"... the poor older man on the end yelled the other version of the word "Crap!" as loud as he could, and fell to the ground. He thought someone had shot a gun. We were all laughing SO hard, but that man sure wasn't. He was scared to death! His poor wife was so embarrassed. She just kept shaking her head, no smile at all. At this point, Court & I were trying to stop laughing... and the wife looked at the other lady sitting next to her, circled her finger around her head and said, "He's crazy!".. with the most sincere look on her face. hahaha...Ah, good times, good times!.
The girls had a full day Sunday. We went to church, then after we got home... changed into our swimming suits & headed to one of Darryl's hotels to swim. It has been so hot around here, so less than 2hrs. at that pool and this chick was ready to pack it up and head home. They had a really fun time, though. D, too. I failed at leaving my camera at home… all weekend, so forgive me. We no more got settled at home & D then pipes up and asks if anyone wants to go play golf. So, D + 4 girls all load up and head off to the golf course. They got 2 golf carts, D driving one.. and Courtney driving the other...the only reason why that chick wanted to go. They played 2 rounds of golf, and had a blast. :) Mom over here stayed behind. Sure, I probably should have went along, but golf? Blah… and, I had a headache from the sun all day and the thought of staying inside where it was nice and cool and quite sounded like fun to me. So, I stayed home... chatted with a friend, made brownies for the girls, and finally opened up that new sewing machine of mine. I had big plans to get started on a few sewing projects, but... decided to venture downstairs to my craft room instead. It's that ADD thing I have going on. A million things crowd my brain of all the things that I could be doing, and then I bounce from one thing, to another, to another...still trying to decide which thing to really focus on & do, only not really getting anything done in the long-run. Anyone relate? So so typical of me. I did a little cleaning down there though & managed to take pictures to share, then after Chelc and Sean got home.. we mosied outside & enjoyed a little photo shoot of the two of them. :)
**Pictures coming soon**
Monday, D & Sean got up early and went to play golf, and boy was it hot! So the girls & I packed up and headed off to the pool, where D soon joined us. Afterwards, Courtney and I got adventurous (are you seeing a pattern here?) and I took her driving. I've taken her a few times, and let’s just say it's quite scary. However, we all know that the more you practice, the better you become. Last time we took my car, the Armada, and that thing isn't easy to drive because the thing is so big & hard to handle. So this time, we took D's car, the Lexus.... Courtney decided that his car is way to touchy, and that's the reason why we ran over the curve. :) She came to a stop sign in a parking lot, Papa's John's Corporate, which is really big and has lots of turns, lots of stop signs- it's a great place to learn to drive. Well, a car was behind us. She stopped at the stop sign. Then pulled up a little more, then stopped again. The car behind us blew his horn, quite loudly I will add, and after that.. sister over here was done. Ah, the adventures of teenage driving. It's not for the faint of heart. She wants to get her permit soon, so... we shall see how that goes! We have lots of practicing to do, but...we'll get there...
Ok, off to give my laundry room some major attention today. A wet, rainy day is just what this gal needed on her schedule today. Why, you ask? Pfft, THIS is why...
These are clean clothes, mind you... but they have been sitting there, in the same spot, for longer than I dare care to mention. Add another several loads of clean clothes on top of this, and well... I think that speaks for itself. Let's face it; sister can crank out laundry like it's going out of style over here. Throw in dirty clothes, add detergent, hit start. Transfer clean clothes to the dryer, throw in a good 'ole snuggly fresh fabric softener, hit start. Take clean clothes, throw in nearest basket. See, sister knows her stuff. Now, it's when you have to get all complicated and add the whole "Sort, fold, hang....put away" nonsense that things just get crazy. Hey, just keepin' it real, people... just keepin' it real.
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